Looking to Replace or Apply for a New SS Card?
SS Cards Made Easy

Use Our Software to Get your paperwork done in 5 minutes or less

We aren’t affiliated to the SSA, and we are not a government organization. On the SSA website, you can get a free form to apply for your SS card; however, you won’t be able to use our software for ease of use.

Request a SS Card Replacement if you have lost your card or had it stolen, or if your need to update any information.

Request a SS Card Name Change in case of  a marriage, divorce, adoption, or a self-elected change.

Request a New SS Card if you have never had one before. 

Easy 3-Step Approach



Our Steps

Use our form-filling software to fill out your SS5 form. 



Our Steps

Upon completion of your application, we will send you an email containing all the necessary information. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the email to complete the process.



Our Steps
Your SS card will be delivered straight to your doorstep.

We simplify the process:

Introducing our PDF filling software – your solution to the complex and confusing process of obtaining a SS card. Gone are the days of endless paperwork and complicated procedures. With our software, we have simplified the entire process for you. Our easy-to-use PDF filling software allows you to complete the necessary forms in just a few clicks, saving you time and energy. Say goodbye to the hassle and frustration of navigating government websites and deciphering legal jargon. Our software is designed to make the process as straightforward and stress-free as possible.
About the Process
To begin the process of obtaining a SS card, the first step is completing the SS5 Form. This essential document requires basic information such as your name, date of birth, gender etc. Our simplified software makes filling out the SS5 Form a breeze, so you can quickly move on to the next steps of the process with ease.

Say goodbye to the hassle of filling out pen and paper forms, which can often lead to unnecessary mistakes. With our PDF Filler, adding your information has never been simpler or more straightforward.

Our software streamlines the process, saving you valuable time and effort. With just a few clicks, you can easily input your information into the PDF document, ensuring accuracy and reducing the risk of errors.

Don’t let complicated forms get in the way of your productivity. Our PDF Filler simplifies the process and makes it easier for you to complete your tasks efficiently. Try it out today and see how it can transform the way you work!

At our company, your security is our top priority. That’s why we utilize state-of-the-art SSL technology to ensure the safety of your internet connection and protect any sensitive data you share with us.

Rest assured that we take the security of your personal information seriously and employ advanced 256-bit encryption to safeguard any data you provide us. We remain up-to-date on all the latest security measures to ensure the highest level of protection for our clients.

SS Card Application

Made Easy

Looking to simplify the process of obtaining your SS card? You’ve come to the right place! Typically, the process can take up to two weeks, including document verification by USCIS, and the requirements can be difficult to understand.

That’s where we come in. Our PDF software simplifies the entire process into a few easy-to-follow steps, allowing you to complete your application in less than five minutes from the comfort of your own home. We take care of everything else for you, so you can skip the confusing and time-consuming parts.

With our services, all you need to do is fill out a single form provided by us. Once you’ve completed it, you’ll receive an email from us with detailed instructions and a pre-paid shipping label to mail in your documents.

If you have any questions or need assistance at any point in the process, our customer-friendly support team is always available. Whether you prefer to send a text message, email, or call, we’re here to help. Let us take the hassle out of obtaining your SS card with our streamlined, user-friendly process.

Customer Care

The SSA offers complimentary forms and assistance to those who require it.